Consultoría de innovación social
Our main focus at the Consultancy of Social Innovation is to create impact and sustainability by innovative approaches to solve existing social challenges and requirements. We believe in the potential of people and therefore our main
objective is empowerment to raise capacities for finding most appropriate and effective solutions. In this way we aim to support the change and upskilling processes in organisations and institutions to improve the results and sustainability
of their work.
The main activity areas of CIS are employability, gender equality and international cooperation. We aim to promote change in these areas by participating in innovative projects on national and international level, thus also improving
the exchange of best practices and learning from each other. Additionally, we provide trainings and seminars on regional level.
Einurd is a non-profit social enterprize focusing on education and social innovation. Einurd employs and builds on a network of experts in community research, development, education and training. Einurd collaborators are mostly non-profit organizations including schools and education centres on all levels from preschools to universities as well as organizations and centres of social innovation. Einurd business and operation include: consulting, research, surveys, development of educational resources, equal pay auditing and validation of informal learning, development of curriculums and training models both face to face and e-learning. Einurd has also provided organizations with trained project managers for local, transnational, long- and short term projects.
Center for Social Innovation Ltd.
Center for Social Innovation (CSI) is a Research and Development organization, which focuses on fostering social innovation that can bring about a positive change to local, national, regional, and global entities. These entities include but are not limited to governments, local administrative agencies, non-for-profit agencies, commercial entities, and educational institutions. The CSI team is composed of open-minded, fully equipped researchers, entrepreneurs, project managers, trainers, and Information Technology specialists. CSI encompasses the capability and capacity to identify social needs, design and implement adjusted initiatives, and provide for sustainable growth. The CSI team’s areas of expertise are in the fields of traditional education and e-learning, entrepreneurship, start-ups, innovation, creativity, negotiations, IP advisory services, social responsibility, business advisory solutions, data analytics, information technologies, project management, project evaluation services, product validation, training and computer gaming. CSI draws know-how and skills from its wide global network, which includes academic institutions, IT companies, public services, international organizations, start-ups, and public services.
The organization was created in 2007 with the mission to help increase personal and organizational efficiency and effectiveness. We are active in the field of:
– Short-term trainings and seminars
– Digitally assisted trainings and team-buildings
– Business consultancy for SMEs /in the field of marketing, sales and strategic development
– Facilitation of interactive workshops for Value Proposition Design
– Creating the Future Workshops
Our team: Our trainers are experienced practitioners in the field of training, who have also been trained as trainers of adults.
Foundation „Viva Femina” is a women foundation located in Podkarpackie region in Poland. Our main aim is to act for the benefit of women, people with disabilities and other disadvantage groups on the labour market. We are implementing good practices in gender issues, and promote equal opportunities of women and men in all areas of life as well as implementing good practices in education.
Viva Femina works directly with its target group especially with women with disabilities both physical and learning disabilities, mentors and coaches in our region, providing vocational guidance, psychologist services, vocational and social activisation, works with companies to organize practices for people with disabilities in gastronomy sector, offers mentoring and coaching for this target group. We are promoting entrepreneurship among women and work-based learning.
Social Policy Academy
KMOP is a Greek non-profit organisation, established in 2006 aiming to improve the educational opportunities and subsequently the labour market integration, the social mobilisation and inclusion of disadvantaged population. Aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals for inclusive, equitable quality education and inclusive growth for all, KMOP develops innovative educational services and solutions for the education and lifelong learning of its beneficiaries, using state-of-the-art tools. In parallel, KMOP conducts studies and surveys related to the labour market needs and their link to education.