Do you know that women perform an average of 13 more unpaid work each week than men?
Women perform an average of 13 hours more unpaid work each week than men, and care and nursing responsibilities keep 7.7 million women out of the labour market. (EIGE 2020) What is the situation in your household, are nursing and household responsibilities divided equally?
In the EU, women report spending an average of 39 hours per week caring for their children, compared to men’s 21 hours. Many member states have expanded parental leave for fathers but the rate of people who take this leave remains exceptionally low. See figure 3 from 2016 on the situation in daily childcare and education of children for the age group 25-49 years old (Eurostat 2021).
THEREFORE… agreeing on an equal share of family duties with your partner is only fair for both partners and your family.
Country statistics:
Inactive population due to caring responsibilities (care for adults with disabilities or children or family for other reasons) by sex within the age group 20-64 year old in 2020.
EU (27), women 27.3%, men 3.9% in total 18.7%
- Iceland, women 7.2%, men (not data available) but in total 5. 8%.
- Bulgaria, women 39.9%, men 16.2% and in total 30.6%.
- Greece, women 26.6%, men 2.3% and in total 18.5%.
- Poland, women 40,1%, men 12.5% and in total 30.9%.
- Spain, women 37.1%, men 4.8% and in total 24.8%.
- Cyprus, women 57.6%, men 13.5% and in total 43,8%
European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) (2020). Beijing +25 policy brief: Area F – Women and the economy: care responsibilities and insecure jobs limit women’s empowerment. Last retrieved: 02.07.2021.
Eurostat (2021). Inactive population due to caring responsibilities by sex. Last retrieved: 02.07.2021.
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