Once you have a goal, you need an action plan with the road steps towards achieving this goal.
The objective of this activity is to help you figure out how to achieve your goal, step by step.
Step 1: Prepare
Write down your SMART goal (from Module 4, Activity 1).
Step 2: Breakdown of Tasks
What are the tasks, related to achieving the goal?

Step 3: TImeframe of tAsks
Are there any interconnections between the tasks? For example, Task 2 cannot be completed if Task 4 is not completed? Are there tasks that you can perform parallel to one another? Reorder the tasks if necessary and think about when do you think each task should start and end? How will you know if you have succeeded in each task/what result you will achieve with it? Fill in the table:
- What will I do? (Task)
- When will I start? (Start date)
- When will I have finished? (End date)
- How will I know I achieved my goal?
- I achieved this task by the…(add date)
Now you are ready, go for it!